AMP Camp Follow-up and Preview of What’s Next

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In August, we hosted the first AMP Camp “Big Data bootcamp” and it was a huge success, with a sold-out auditorium and over 3,000 folks tuning in to watch via live streaming!

However, hosting the AMP Camp was only one part of our plan to engage you and your peers in the Big Data community. Many of you heard about BDAS, the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (pronounced “bad-ass”), for the first time at AMP Camp. Well, we are busy working on new releases of the existing BDAS components (e.g., Spark 0.6.0 is just around the corner) as well as entirely new components that we will announce soon. Additionally, in the spirit of AMP Camp, we will continue releasing free online Big Data training materials, videos, and tutorials. And of course, we have already begun planning the next AMP Camp.

We archived videos of all of the AMP Camp talks and their corresponding slides; find links to both on the AMP Camp Agenda page. We also published the hands-on Big Data exercises we released during AMP Camp, that walk you through setting up and using the BDAS stack on EC2 to perform a parallel machine learning algorithm (K-Means Clustering) on a real Wikipedia dataset.

During the actual event, we used a Piazza class to answer questions immediately as they were asked. The Piazza class from the first AMP Camp will remain available for archival purposes. If you are not already enrolled in the class (required in order to access the Q&A archive) and would like to be, please let us know by sending an email to

Just how successful was the first AMP Camp? Check out some of the event statistics for yourself:

  • 27,594 people visited the AMP Camp site in the 4 day window surrounding the event
  • 4,969 people registered to view AMP Camp live streaming
  • Over 3,000 people tuned into the AMP Camp live stream
  • 1,277 people enrolled in the AMP Camp Piazza class
  • The average AMP Camp teacher/TA response time to questions asked in Piazza was 7 minutes

If you are interested in staying up to date with what we’re working on, join the AMP Mailing list. We look forward to being in touch with you again soon!