National Science Foundation
Expeditions in Computing
AMPLab Publications
- Kira: Processing Astronomy Imagery Using Big Data Technology
- Rapid and efficient analysis of 20,000 RNA-seq samples with Toil
- Scientific Computing Meets Big Data Technology: An Astronomy Use Case
- The NIH BD2K center for big data in translational genomics
- Rethinking Data-Intensive Science Using Scalable Analytics Systems
- Changepoint Analysis for Efficient Variant Calling
- SMASH: A Benchmarking Toolkit for Human Genome Variant Calling
- ADAM: Genomics Formats and Processing Patterns for Cloud Scale Computing
- Generalized Scale Independence Through Incremental Precomputation
- Faster and More Accurate Sequence Alignment with SNAP
- Experiences Teaching MapReduce in the Cloud
- PIQL: Success-Tolerant Query Processing in the Cloud
- The SCADS Director: Scaling a Distributed Storage System Under Stringent Performance Requirements