National Science Foundation
Expeditions in Computing
AMPLab Publications
- SparkR: Scaling R Programs with Spark
- FairRide: Near-Optimal, Fair Cache Sharing
- Feral Concurrency Control: An Empirical Investigation of Modern Application Integrity
- Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark
- The missing piece in complex analytics: Low latency, scalable model management and serving with Velox
- Tachyon: Reliable, Memory Speed Storage for Cluster Computing Frameworks
- Coordination Avoidance in Database Systems
- Scalable Atomic Visibility with RAMP Transactions
- Tachyon: Memory Throughput I/O for Cluster Computing Frameworks
- Highly Available Transactions: Virtues and Limitations
- Eventual Consistency Today: Limitations, Extensions, and Beyond
- HAT, not CAP: Towards Highly Available Transactions
- Bolt-on Causal Consistency
- Choosy: Proportional Sharing for Datacenter Jobs with Constraints
- The Potential Dangers of Causal Consistency and an Explicit Solution
- PACMan: Coordinated Memory Caching for Parallel Jobs
- The Datacenter Needs an Operating System
- Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center
- Dominant Resource Fairness: Fair Allocation of Multiple Resources Types
- Disk-Locality in Datacenter Computing Considered Irrelevant