SparkHub: A new community site for Apache Spark

The tremendous growth of Spark from its early days in the AMPLab to its current industry-driving instantiation as Apache Spark has made it difficult to keep up with all of the Spark-related activities going on around the world.   Certainly we’ve not been able to keep up with all of these activities on the AMPLab Web Site.

Databricks, the AMPLab spin out that is leading the development of Apache Spark these days announced the creation of a community hub for Apache Spark called SparkHub.   SparkHub leverages the Spark “crowd” to collect and curate Spark-related information about events, training, publications, software packages etc. in order to keep up with all the activity.    We’ll do our best to post the most relevant items on the AMPLab website, but are relieved that someone else has taken on this task fulltime, allowing us to focus on the latest and greatest research results coming out of the lab (which we will crosspost to SparkHub when appropriate).